
Archive for January 10th, 2010

Synchronicity has been a part of my life lately, otherwise put: the Spirit has been busy.  This morning’s “Baptism of our Lord” worship and a poem for an on-line course  Way of the Monk, Path of the Artist came together in the following words and image…

I am going to start living like a monk
I probably won’t look any different tomorrow than I look today:
same jeans and shoes, hair style and glasses, smile and sweater
It’s the inside that’s changing:
The ear of my heart is listening for the ancient rhythm ~ sunrise and sunset, inhale and exhale, song and silence
The eye of my heart is searching the coffee shop for acts of grace and glances of hope
The soul of my heart tastes the deep richness of the earth in the bread, the river of life in the wine
And without using my hands, the monk within feels for the pulse of life and the passion of love
This is baptism that is tempered with water

I am going to start living like an artist
And this artist knows it’s still not about the clothes ~ the closet will remain the same,
tho I am inclined to add more color!
The change will be in my eyes ~ no, not a stronger prescription with bifocals
A deeper vision…well actually a kind of bi-focal
One that sees beauty and love on the surface and beyond
Eyes that see beauty in the work at the soup kitchen or in my cat’s green eyes
Hands that remember love in holding an artichoke or shoveling snow
Voice that speaks beauty when answering the phone or offering a prayer
Heart that feels the love of the Holy One in an infant’s’ first breath or in a loved one’s last
This is baptism that is passioned with fire

I am going to start living like a mystic
Maybe now I’ll think about my clothes, or maybe not, and instead just add a colorful scarf and call it my stole
Look deep into the winter woods and out across the parking lot
Love with all I have and seek even more from the One who gives all
Read words of the ancient ones and sing songs that beckon the future
Savor the fullness from the market and embrace the despair of the lonely
And call it all prayer
This is baptism that is immersed in life

How are you going to start living in this New Year?

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